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Qiagen RNeasy Micro Kit(50)
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RNeasy Micro Kit(50)
分类:qPCR kits & 核酸抽提
现价:¥5610.00    节省:¥1680

从细胞或组织样本中纯化至多45 μg的总RNA

  • 数分钟内快速纯化得到高品质总RNA
  • 即用型RNA在各种下游应用中表现良好
  • 微量起始样本, RNA产量稳定
  • 无需酚/氯仿抽提
  • 无需CsCl梯度离心,无需LiCl或乙醇沉淀

RNeasy Micro Kit专用于从微量细胞和组织样本中纯化至多45 μg RNA。使用RNAlater RNA Stabilization ReagentAllprotect Tissue Reagent方便的稳定组织样本,使用TissueRuptorTissueLyser体系高效破碎样本。可在QIAcube全自动核酸分析仪上应用 RNeasy Micro Kit实现RNA纯化全自动化。处理更大的样本,可使用RNeasy Mini Kit(离心柱结合能力为100 µg RNA)、RNeasy Midi Kit(离心柱结合能力为1 mg RNA)或RNeasy Maxi Kit(离心柱结合能力为6 mg)。



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For purification of up to 45 µg total RNA from cell and tissue samples
  • Fast procedure delivering high-quality total RNA in minutes
  • Ready-to-use RNA for high performance in any downstream application
  • Consistent RNA yields from very small amounts of starting material
  • No phenol/chloroform extraction
  • No CsCl gradients, no LiCl or ethanol precipitation
The RNeasy Micro Kit is designed for purification of up to 45 μg RNA from small cell and tissue samples. Tissue samples can be conveniently stabilized using RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent or Allprotect Tissue Reagent, and efficiently disrupted using a TissueRuptor or TissueLyser system. RNA purification using the RNeasy Micro Kit can be fully automated on the QIAcube. For larger samples, the RNeasy Mini Kit (spin-column binding capacity of 100 µg RNA), RNeasy Midi Kit (spin-column binding capacity of 1 mg RNA), and RNeasy Maxi Kit (spin-column binding capacity of 6 mg RNA) are also available.
The RNeasy Micro Kit delivers highly reproducible yields of total RNA from small samples. Total RNA can reliably be purified from small numbers of cells, including a single cell, as well as from small amounts of standard tissues (see figures Reliable RNA isolation from a single cellHighly reproducible yields for sensitive applications and High-quality total RNA from fine needle aspirates). The RNeasy Micro Kit provides maximum sensitivity with precious samples in quantitative gene expression analyses, such as real-time RT-PCR, by efficient on-column digestion of genomic DNA (see figure Efficient on-column removal of genomic DNA).

The RNeasy Micro Kit is designed for isolation of total RNA from small samples such as microdissected tissues and fine needle aspirates, from milligram amounts of fibrous tissues including heart and muscle tissue, and from small numbers of cells down to single cells (e.g., FACS sorted cells). For microdissected FFPE tissues, we recommend the RNeasy FFPE Kit. RNeasy technology simplifies total RNA isolation by combining the stringency of guanidine-isothiocyanate lysis with the speed and purity of silica-membrane purification and the unique design of RNeasy MinElute spin columns enables minimal elution volumes, as little as 10 µl, to concentrate the RNA. The small elution volume means that reaction volumes can be kept small in downstream applications, giving increased reaction efficiency. The high purity allows the complete sample to be used in downstream reactions, such as reverse transcription, without enzyme inhibition.


The RNeasy Micro Kit is designed for isolation of total RNA from small samples. Samples (<5 mg tissue, or <5 x 105cells) are first lysed and then homogenized. Ethanol is added to the lysate to provide ideal binding conditions. The lysate is then loaded onto the RNeasy MinElute spin column and RNA (up to 45 µg) binds to the silica membrane. RNase-free DNase, provided in the RNeasy Micro Kit, enables simple and efficient on-column digestion of genomic DNA for sensitive applications. Then DNase and any contaminants are efficiently washed away, and pure, concentrated RNA is eluted in 10–14 µl water.


Highly reproducible isolation of RNA in a small elution volume (10 µl) using the RNeasy Micro Kit makes the highly pure RNA well-suited for sensitive quantitative gene expression analyses, including real-time RT-PCR starting with as little as one cell.

Highly reproducible yields for sensitive applications.
Highly reproducible yields for sensitive applications.

Total RNA was isolated by 5 different users in duplicate from 2 mg of the indicated rat tissues, using the RNeasy Micro Kit. Quantitative, real-time RT-PCR was carried out on an ABI Sequence Detection System using the QuantiTect Probe RT-PCR Kit, with primers and probes specific for c-jun.

High-quality total RNA from fine needle aspirates.
High-quality total RNA from fine needle aspirates.
A fine needle aspirate was obtained from rabbit liver using a 19.5-gauge biopsy needle, and the sample was immediately stabilized in an RNAlater TissueProtect Tube. Total RNA was isolated using the RNeasy Micro Kit. The high quality of the RNA is shown by scanning with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer.
RNeasy Micro Procedure
RNeasy Micro procedure.

The RNeasy Micro Kit is designed for isolation of total RNA from small samples. Optimized protocols are provided for RNA isolation from microdissected tissues, small amounts of standard tissues, fiber-rich tissues, and cells. Protocols are also available for RNA cleanup and concentration.

Efficient on-column removal of genomic DNA.
Efficient on-column removal of genomic DNA.
Total RNA was isolated from the indicated number of HeLa cells using the RNeasy Micro Kit. Quantitative, real-time PCR was carried out on an ABI Sequence Detection System using the QuantiTect Probe PCR Kit, with primers and probes specific for c-jun. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the on-column DNase digestion, each sample was amplified after reverse transcription (+RT) and directly, without a reverse transcription step (-RT). The lack of signal in the "-RT" samples indicates that no DNA was detectable. Of the "-RT" results, only the 50,000 cell data points are visible.
Reliable RNA isolation from a single cell.
Reliable RNA isolation from a single cell.
Total RNA was isolated from the indicated number of HeLa cells using the RNeasy Micro Kit. [A] Amplification plot. [B] Correlation of crossing point (CP) values and cell numbers. Real-time RT-PCR was carried out on the LightCycler System using the QuantiTect Probe RT-PCR Kit, with primers and probes specific for β-actin.
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