IL21 检测试剂盒参数性能比较
用酶联免疫检测的品牌如下: 预包被试剂盒;
biolegend:定量范围31.3-2,000 pg/mL; 灵敏度:4.2 pg/mL;样本用量:50ul;样本类型:血清,血浆,上清液;正常样本测试30例,17个值在7.2-61.2pg/ml 之间,13个值未检出;
thermofisher:定量范围78-5,000 pg/mL;灵敏度:20.0 pg/mL;样本用量:50ul;样本类型:血清,血浆,上清液;
IBL international:定量范围78-5,000 pg/mL;样本用量:50ul;样本类型:血清,血浆,上清液;
raybiotech:110 pg/ml - 8000 pg/ml;灵敏度:11.0 pg/mL;样本类型:血清,血浆,上清液;
另外,raybiotech 和thermofisher invitrogen 均已有用qPCR 方式检测蛋白浓度的试剂盒;
Human IL-21 Proquantum Immunoassay Kit;
优势:灵敏度高;<0.3 pg/mL;定量范围宽:0.32-5000 pg/mL;样本用量少;Plasma 2-5 µL;Serum 2-5 µL;Supernatant 2-5 µL;时间:2小时;仪器:qPCR 仪器;
(A) Antibody-antigen binding: Antibodies bind to two separate epitopes on the antigen (during a 1-hr incubation), which brings the two conjugated oligonucleotides into close proximity. (B) Ligation and amplification of signal (in a qPCR instrument): DNA ligase and a third splint oligonucleotide connector are added to ligate the two ends of the conjugated oligonucleotides, creating a 100-base DNA template. Once the ligase is inactivated at 95°C, the sample is amplified through 40 cycles of annealing and extension. The amount of DNA produced is measured after each amplification cycle via fluorescent dyes, which exhibit fluorescence that is directly proportional to the number of PCR product molecules (or amplicons) generated. This graph shows the fluorescence vs. cycle number curves for four different starting protein concentrations. The dashed line represents the fluorescence threshold. The cycle number required to reach the fluorescence threshold (threshold cycle or Ct) is plotted vs. protein concentration to create a standard curve.
raybiotech 的类似产品:
Human IL-21 IQELISA™ Kit:
The RayBio® Immuno Quantitative Enzyme Linked ImumunoSorbent Assay (IQELISA™) is an innovative new assay that combines the specificity and ease of use of an ELISA with the sensitivity of real-time PCR. This results in an assay that is simultaneously familiar and cutting edge and enables the use of lower sample volumes while also providing more sensitivity. The RayBio® Human IL-21 IQELISA™ Kit is a modified ELISA assay with high sensitivity qPCR readout for the quantitative measurement of Human IL-21 in serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatants. This assay employs an antibody specific for Human IL-21 coated on a 96-well PCR plate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and IL-21 present in a sample is bound to the wells by the immobilized antibody. The wells are washed and a detection affinity molecule is added to the plates. After washing away unbound detection affinity molecule, primers and a PCR master mix are added to the wells and data is collected using qPCR. Ct values obtained from the qPCR are then used to calculate the amount of antigen contained in each sample, where lower Ct values indicate a higher concentration of antigen.