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Selected Product:
Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Lumbar Holder, L1-Sacrum, Clear Shell Torso 1703-59-1 Sawbones RMB 14698
Vertebroplasty Trunk Cradle for #1513-19 1703-512-1 Sawbones RMB 5152
Sternum Repair Simulator, Solid Foam 1703-344 Sawbones RMB 2217
Stand for the Compartment Syndrome Model 1703-217 Sawbones RMB 841
Posterior Lumbar Holder 1703-203-1 Sawbones RMB 8001
Cervical Holder for Anterior Approach Procedures 1703-201 Sawbones RMB 14722
Spinal Reduction / Alignment Holder 1703-100-13 Sawbones RMB 15460
Lumbar Vertebrae with Pedicle Tunnels, L1-Sacrum 1702-24 Sawbones RMB 5465
Spine, C1 to Sacrum with Pedicle Drilling and Reinforced Flex Rod, Full 1702-19-8 Sawbones RMB 21408
Spine, C1 to Sacrum, with Reinforced Flex Rod, Full 1702-19-5 Sawbones RMB 26489
Spine with Flex and Hold Feature, Full 1702-19 Sawbones RMB 14698
Foot, Solid Clear Plastic, Left 1701-90-1 Sawbones RMB 2691
Femur for Fracture Marking, Solid White Plastic 1701-30-45 Sawbones RMB 1713
Femur, Solid Clear Plastic, Left 1701-30 Sawbones RMB 1713
Hip Assembly with Full Length Knee on Stand 1666 Sawbones RMB 7105
Stand for Procedural Hip Articulation 1665-5 Sawbones RMB 3154
Knee Joint with Cartilage, Menisci, Arteries, Veins, Nerves, and Ligaments 1664-6-1 Sawbones RMB 6693
Knee Joint with Articular Cartilage and Stand 1664-6 Sawbones RMB 1624
Knee Demonstrator with Stand 1664-1 Sawbones RMB 1140
Stand for Knee Models 1664 Sawbones RMB 443
Knee Implant, Two Piece Set 1607 Sawbones RMB 587
Hip Implant Replica, Two Piece Set 1606 Sawbones RMB 563
Sawbones Cement 1604 Sawbones RMB 330
Shoulder Stand with Clamps 1602-2 Sawbones RMB 5063
Shoulder Stand 1602-1 Sawbones RMB 652
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