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Selected Product:
Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Tibia with Double Level Angulation 1160-15 Sawbones RMB 989
Tibia with Malunion and 25 Degree Procurvatum 1160-11 Sawbones RMB 484
Tibia with Proximal and Distal Deformity 1160-10 Sawbones RMB 656
Tibia and Fibula with Varus Defect, Solid Foam 1160-1 Sawbones RMB 721
Tibia with 30 Degrees Varus Defect 1160 Sawbones RMB 336
Foot and Ankle with Distal Malunion and Rotation 1159-8-1 Sawbones RMB 1600
Tibia and Fibula with Malunions, Varus, and Rotation 1159-8 Sawbones RMB 1136
Tibia and Fibula with Malunions and 25º Varus Defect 1159-6 Sawbones RMB 1205
Tibia with Malunion and 20º Plane Defect, Solid Foam 1159-5 Sawbones RMB 505
Tibia and Fibula with Malunions and Plane Defect 1159-2 Sawbones RMB 1205
Tibia and Fibula with Malunions and 10º Varus Defect 1159-1 Sawbones RMB 1105
Tibia with Midshaft Malunion and 10º Varus Defect 1159 Sawbones RMB 539
Knee Joint with Four Non-Stretch Ligaments, Solid Foam 1154 Sawbones RMB 621
Knee Joint with Patella and Four Non-Stretch Ligaments, Solid Foam 1153 Sawbones RMB 855
Knee Joint with Stretch Cord Collateral Ligaments and ACL Guide Holes, Solid Foam 1152-4 Sawbones RMB 851
Knee Joint with Four Non-Stretch Ligaments, Solid Foam 1152 Sawbones RMB 621
Knee Joint with Patella and Four Non-Stretch Ligaments, Solid Foam 1151 Sawbones RMB 855
Knee with Fibula and Three Stretch Cord Ligaments, Full Length, Arthritic 1150-2 Sawbones RMB 1026
Knee with Three Stretch Tube Ligaments, Full Length, Arthritic 1150-1 Sawbones RMB 745
Knee with Four Non-Stretch Ligaments, Full Length, Arthritic 1150 Sawbones RMB 752
Knee with Revision Cuts and Stretch Cord Collateral Ligaments, Full Length 1149-3 Sawbones RMB 652
Knee with Revision Cuts and Stretch Cord Collateral Ligaments, Full Length 1149-1 Sawbones RMB 769
Knee with Revision Cuts and Non-Stretch Collateral Ligaments, Full Length 1149 Sawbones RMB 752
Knee Joint with Patella, Narrow Intercondylar Notch, and Four Stretch Tube Ligaments 1148-9 Sawbones RMB 892
Knee Joint with Narrow Intercondylar Notch and Four Stretch Tube Ligaments 1148-8 Sawbones RMB 611
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