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Assaypro (11554)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
[Ser2]-Neuromedin C (GRP) Antibody 11081-05021 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 2624
[Ser2]-Neuromedin C (GRP) Antibody 11081-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
11 alpha-Hydroxyandrostenedione Antibody 33051-05111 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 2624
11alpha-Hydroxytestosterone Antibody 10311-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
11-Ketotestosterone Antibody 10321-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
17-Hydroxyprogesterone Antibody 10261-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
19-Nortestosterone Antibody 10331-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
20-alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone Antibody 10271-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
3-Keto-5alpha,16-Androstene (Androstenone) Antibody 11691-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
4-Androsten-17alpha-OL-3-One (Epitestosterone) Antibody 10051-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
4-Pregnen-17, 20beta-Diol-3-One Antibody 10351-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
5-Androsten-3beta-OL-7, 17-Dione (DHEA) Antibody 10071-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
6beta-Hydroxyprogesterone Antibody 10251-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
6-Keto-17alpha-Estradiol Antibody 10181-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
6-Keto-17beta- Estradiol Antibody 10191-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
6-Ketoestriol Antibody 10201-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
6-Ketoestrone Antibody 10221-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
7alpha-Progesterone Antibody 10241-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
Adrenorphin Antibody 10381-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
Adrenorphin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate) 10381-05021 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 2624
Aldosterone Antibody 41011-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
Aldosterone Antibody 10021-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
Aldosterone Antibody 10011-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
Aldosterone Diacetate Antibody 10031-05011 Assaypro 150 ug RMB 1951
Aldosterone ELISA Kit EA1101-1 Assaypro 96 Well Plate RMB 4575
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