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Raybiotech (38066)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
HA Polyclonal Antibody 128-10180-3 Raybiotech 500µl RMB 15295
Human Autoimmune Disease IgG Autoantibody Array G1 PAH-AIDG-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 7557
IgG light chain variable region [Homo sapiens]/IgM/kappa antibody [Mus musculus] 331-10067-1 Raybiotech 1mg RMB 946
IgG light chain variable region [Homo sapiens]/IgM/kappa antibody [Mus musculus] 331-10067-2 Raybiotech 5mg RMB 2046
IgG light chain variable region [Homo sapiens]/IgM/kappa antibody [Mus musculus] 331-10067-4 Raybiotech 25mg RMB 4246
IgG light chain variable region [Homo sapiens]/IgM/kappa antibody [Mus musculus] 331-10067-3 Raybiotech 10mg RMB 3146
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to detect 175 human proteins involved in chemokine signaling pathways. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-CHE-4 Raybiotech 4样本 RMB 8613
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to detect 175 human proteins involved in chemokine signaling pathways. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-CHE-8 Raybiotech 8样本 RMB 15498
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to detect 286 human proteins involved in receptor signaling pathways. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-REC-8 Raybiotech 8样本 RMB 22234
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to detect 286 human proteins involved in receptor signaling pathways. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-REC-4 Raybiotech 4样本 RMB 12352
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to detect 307 human proteins involved in the PI3-Akt signaling pathway. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-AKT-8 Raybiotech 8 样本 RMB 23517
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to detect 307 human proteins involved in the PI3-Akt signaling pathway. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-AKT-4 Raybiotech 4 样本 RMB 13068
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to measure 500 human protein biomarkers involved in the metabolic pathway. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-MBP-4 Raybiotech 4样本 RMB 19575
Label-based antibody array kit using glass slide supports to measure 500 human protein biomarkers involved in the metabolic pathway. Suitable for serum, plasma, lysates, and cell culture supernatants. AAH-BLG-MBP-8 Raybiotech 8样本 RMB 35235
Lung Cancer IgA Autoantibody Array G1 PAH-LCAA-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 6872
Lung Cancer IgA Autoantibody Array G1 PAH-LCAA-G1-8 Raybiotech 8样本 RMB 4060
Lung Cancer IgG Autoantibody Array G1 PAH-LCAG-G1-8 Raybiotech 8样本 RMB 4060
Lung Cancer IgG Autoantibody Array G1 PAH-LCAG-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 6872
Mouse anti-Acidic Cytokeratin Antibody 188-10213-2 Raybiotech 100 ug RMB 6302
Mouse anti-Acidic Cytokeratin Antibody 188-10213-1 Raybiotech 20 ug RMB 3082
Mouse anti-Acidic Cytokeratin Antibody [IHC only] 188-10213-IHC Raybiotech 7 ml RMB 6302
Mouse anti-Acidic Cytokeratin Antibody [Sodium Azide Free] 188-10213-SAF Raybiotech 100 ug RMB 6302
Mouse anti-ALDH3A2 Antibody 144-64246-100 Raybiotech 100 ul RMB 2944
Mouse anti-ALDH3A2 Antibody 144-64246-200 Raybiotech 200 ul RMB 4784
Mouse anti-ALDH3A2 Antibody 144-64246-50 Raybiotech 50 ul RMB 1909
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