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Mabtech (670)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Human IFN-γ/IL-5 FluoroSpot kit FS-0108-2 Mabtech 2 plates RMB 6421
Human IFN-γ/IL-5 FluoroSpot kit FS-0108-10 Mabtech 10 plates RMB 27996
Human IFN-γ/IL-5 FluoroSpot kit, pre-coated FSP-0108-10 Mabtech 10 plates RMB 34520
Human IFN-γ/IL-5 FluoroSpot kit, pre-coated FSP-0108-2 Mabtech 2 plates RMB 7911
Human IgA ELISA development kit (ALP) 3860-1AD-6 Mabtech for 6 plates RMB 2642
Human IgA ELISpotBASIC (ALP) 3860-2A Mabtech for 4 plates RMB 3699
Human IgA ELISpotBASIC (HRP) 3860-2H Mabtech for 4 plates RMB 3699
Human IgE ELISA development kit (ALP) 3810-1A-20 Mabtech for 20 plates RMB 4535
Human IgE ELISA development kit (ALP) 3810-1A-6 Mabtech for 6 plates RMB 2642
Human IgE ELISA development kit (HRP) 3810-1H-6 Mabtech for 6 plates RMB 2642
Human IgE ELISA development kit (HRP) 3810-1H-20 Mabtech for 20 plates RMB 4535
Human IgE ELISAPRO kit 3810-1HP-2 Mabtech 2 plates RMB 3996
Human IgE ELISAPRO kit 3810-1HP-10 Mabtech 10 plates RMB 15741
Human IgE ELISpotBASIC (ALP) 3810-2A Mabtech for 4 plates RMB 3699
Human IgE ELISpotBASIC (HRP) 3810-2H Mabtech for 4 plates RMB 3699
Human IgG ELISA development kit (ALP) 3850-1AD-6 Mabtech for 6 plates RMB 2642
Human IgG ELISpotBASIC (ALP) 3850-2A Mabtech for 4 plates RMB 3699
Human IgG ELISpotBASIC (HRP) 3850-2H Mabtech for 4 plates RMB 3699
Human IgG/IgA FluoroSpot kit FS-05R06G-2 Mabtech 2 plates RMB 5137
Human IgG/IgA FluoroSpot kit FS-05R06G-10 Mabtech 10 plates RMB 22397
Human IgG/IgA/IgM FluoroSpot kit FS-050617-2 Mabtech 2 plates RMB 7320
Human IgG/IgA/IgM FluoroSpot kit FS-050617-10 Mabtech 10 plates RMB 31922
Human IgG/IgM FluoroSpot kit FS-05R17G-2 Mabtech 2 plates RMB 5504
Human IgG/IgM FluoroSpot kit FS-05R17G-10 Mabtech 10 plates RMB 23997
Human IgM ELISA development kit (ALP) 3840-1AD-6 Mabtech for 6 plates RMB 3082
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