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BioVendor (535)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
IFN-gamma RAF021R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
IFN-gamma RGP010R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8480
IFN-omega RAF025R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
IGFBP-1 RMEE01 BioVendor 96 wells RMB 6572
IGFBP-1 RCAN-IGF-4140R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 4982
IGFBP-2 RMEE05R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 6996
IGFBP-2 RMEE08R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 6996
IGFBP-3 RMEE031R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 6890
IGFBP-3 (functional) RMEE04R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 6890
IGFBP-3 (total) RMEE03A BioVendor 96 wells RMB 6890
IgG Rheumatoid Factor RSHAKRRG101R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 11787
IgM Rheumatoid Factor RSHAKRRG111R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 11787
Immunoglobulin Free Light Chains Kappa and Lambda RD194088100R BioVendor 192 wells/kit RMB 5660
Inhibin A RAL-123-i (CE) BioVendor 96 wells RMB 11353
Inhibin B RAL-107-i (CE) BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12243
Insulin RSCYK060R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 10070
Insulin RSHAKRIN012TR BioVendor 96 wells RMB 7950
Insulin RSHAKRIN013TR BioVendor 96 wells RMB 8162
Insulin RA19004R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6890
Insulin RA19004-480R BioVendor 5x96 wells (1 kit) RMB 16218
Insulin RIS006R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 4378
Insulin (RTU) RSHAKRIN-011RUR BioVendor 96 wells RMB 9752
Insulin (S-type) RSHAKRIN011SR BioVendor 96 wells RMB 9752
Insulin Control RTC800R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 1590
Insulin Receptor RD191041200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
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