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BioVision (580)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
CaspGLOW Fluorescein Active Caspase-12 Staining Kit K172-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Fluorescein Active Caspase-2 Staining Kit K182-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Fluorescein Active Caspase-3 Staining Kit K183-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Fluorescein Active Caspase-8 Staining Kit K188-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Fluorescein Active Caspase-9 Staining Kit K189-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Red Active Caspase Staining Kit K190-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Red Active Caspase-3 Staining Kit K193-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Red Active Caspase-8 Staining Kit K198-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspGLOW Red Active Caspase-9 Staining Kit K199-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
CaspSCREEN Caspase Screening Kit K200-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5005
CaspSELECT Caspase-3 Immunoassay Kit (Fluorometric) K163-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6825
CaspSELECT Caspase-7 Immunoassay Kit (Fluorometric) K167-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6825
Cathepsin (组织蛋白酶) D (mouse) ELISA Kit K7410-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8477
Cathepsin (组织蛋白酶)B (human) ELISA Kit K7408-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8477
Cathepsin (组织蛋白酶)B (mouse) ELISA Kit K7407-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8477
Cathepsin (组织蛋白酶)D (human) ELISA Kit K7409-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8828
Cathepsin (组织蛋白酶)L Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K161-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6435
Cathepsin (组织蛋白酶)S Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K149-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5785
Cathepsin B (组织蛋白酶B)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K140-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin D (组织蛋白酶D)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K143-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin H (组织蛋白酶H)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K145-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin K (组织蛋白酶K)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K141-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin L (组织蛋白酶L)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K142-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin S (组织蛋白酶S)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K144-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin(组织蛋白酶) B (CTSB) Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K147-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5785
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