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BioVendor (535)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Ghrelin Unacylated RA594063400R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8056
Ghrelin Unacylated Easy Sampling RA194063500R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7632
Ghrelin Unacylated Express RA394063400R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7208
Ghrelin Unacylated Express RA194063400R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6996
Glial Fibrilary Acidic Protein RD192072200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Glicentin RSCYK111R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12190
GLP-1 RSHAKMGP-011R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 10091
GLP-2 RSCYK142R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12614
Glucagon RSCYK090R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 13250
Glucose-Regulated Protein 78 RD191230200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Glutathione Peroxidase 1 RAG012R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8522
Glutathione Peroxidase 1 (IntraCellular) RAG013R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8522
GM-CSF RAF017R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7844
GM-CSF RAF016R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
GM-CSF receptor α chain (CD116) RGP004R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7717
Granulysin RD191327200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Granzyme B RAF019R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
Growth Hormone RCAN-GH-4070R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 4558
Growth Hormone (GH) RA19003R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6890
Haptoglobin RD191407100R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6296
Hepsin RD193404200CS BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) Inquiry
Histamine RA19008R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7632
IA-2 Autoantibody RIAE/96R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8904
IFN-gamma RAF023R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7844
IFN-gamma RAF022R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7844
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