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ICLLAB (237)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Purified Mouse anti-Cat IgE (Clone# 2A2) - Monoclonal ME-20ALY-2A2 ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 6447
Purified Mouse anti-Clostridium difficile GDH (Clone 3G2) - Monoclonal MGDH-55A-3G2 ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 4605
Purified Mouse anti-Dog IgE (Clone# 2A2) - Monoclonal ME-40ALY-2A2 ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 5219
Purified Mouse anti-Horse Haptoglobin (Clone# 6B3) - Monoclonal MHPT-70ALY-6B3 ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 6079
Purified Mouse anti-Human IgE (Clone# 4D6) - Monoclonal ME-80ALY-4D6 ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 1842
Purified Mouse anti-Rabies Virus (Clone 2D5) - Monoclonal MRVN-55ALY-2D5 ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 5219
Purified Mouse IgG1 kappa - Isotype Control RS-90G1LY-K ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 2149
Rabbit anti- KLH - Affinity Purified RKLH-65A ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 737
Rabbit anti-AU1-Affinity Purified RAU-45A ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 8289
Rabbit anti-Calmodulin Binding Peptide - HRP Conjugated RCBP-45P-Z ICLLAB 0.1 mg RMB 2395
Rabbit anti-C-Myc - FITC Conjugated RMYC-45F ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 8412
Rabbit anti-DYKDDDDK - HRP Conjugated RFLG-45P-Z ICLLAB 0.1 mg RMB 2395
Rabbit anti-Goat IgG h+l - FITC Conjugated RGHL-50F ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 860
Rabbit anti-HA Tag - Agarose Immobolized RHGT-145D-Z ICLLAB 0.2 ml RMB 1903
Rabbit anti-Horse Whole Serum RWS-70 ICLLAB 1.0 ml RMB 368
Rabbit anti-Maltose Binding Protein-Affinity Purified RMBP-45A-Z ICLLAB 0.1 mg RMB 1289
Rabbit anti-Rat IgG Fc - Affinity Purified RGFC-25A ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 1167
Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG h+l (min. reactivity w/ Bv, Ho, Hu, Ms, Rb, Rt) - FITC Conjugated RGHL-35FXSPP ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 1658
Rabbit anti-Ubiquitin - Whole Serum RUBQ-10 ICLLAB 1.0 ml RMB 553
Rabbit anti-V5 - HRP Conjugated RV5-45P ICLLAB 1.0 mg RMB 8535
Rabbit CRP ELISA Kit E-15CRP ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4728
Rabbit Haptoglobin ELISA Kit E-15HPT ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4728
Rabbit IgA ELISA Kit E-15A ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 5342
Rabbit IgG ELISA Kit E-15G ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 5342
Rabbit IgM ELISA Kit E-15M ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
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