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Proteintech (389)
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Human IL-13 ELISA Kit(人白介素13 ) KE00299 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-13 ELISA Kit(人白介素13 ) KE00020 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-15 ELISA Kit(人白介素15 ) KE00102 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-1R1 ELISA Kit(人白介素1受体1 ) KE00116 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-1R2 ELISA Kit(人白细胞介素-1受体2 ) KE00288 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-1R2 ELISA Kit(人白细胞介素-1受体2 ) KE00201 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-1RL1/ST2 ELISA Kit(人白介素1受体样蛋白IL-1RL1/ST2 ) KE00293 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-2 ELISA Kit(人白介素2 ) KE00017 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-21 ELISA Kit(人白介素21 ) KE00022 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-22 ELISA Kit(人白介素22 ) KE00008 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-2RA ELISA Kit(人白介素2受体α ) KE00140 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-3 ELISA Kit(人白介素3 ) KE00185 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-31 ELISA Kit(人白介素31 ) KE00086 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-34 ELISA Kit(人白介素34 ) KE00151 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-4 ELISA Kit(人白介素4 ) KE00016 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-5 ELISA Kit(人白介素5 ) KE00217 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-6R alpha ELISA Kit(人白介素6受体 ) KE00289 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-6R ELISA Kit(人白介素6受体 ) KE00118 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human IL-8 ELISA Kit(人白介素-8 ) KE00006 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human insulin ELISA Kit(人胰岛素 ) KE00045 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human JNK ELISA Kit(人应激激活蛋白激酶JNK ) KE00072 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human KIM-1/HAVCR1 ELISA Kit(人甲型肝炎病毒细胞受体1 ) KE00136 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human LBP ELISA Kit(人脂多糖结合蛋白 ) KE00134 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human LDH-B ELISA Kit(人L乳酸脱氢酶B链 ) KE00287 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human Leptin ELISA Kit(人瘦素 ) KE00095 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
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