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Abbiotec (4270)
You view the brand“Abbiotec”Under“Antibody”There are no matches to your search request have 4270 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
EIF2C4 Antibody 252080 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
EIF4ENIF1 Antibody 252211 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
Elastin Antibody 251745 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
ELAVL4 Antibody 200219 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3132
ELF3 Antibody 200188 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 2972
elF3b Antibody 200213 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 2972
ELK1 (3H6D) Antibody 252678 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 5355
ELK1 (7E1) Antibody 252679 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 3574
Elk-1 (Ser383) Antibody 252536 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 4729
ELOVL6 Antibody 253863 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
ELOVL7 Antibody 254237 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
Emerin Antibody 253689 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
EMP-1 Antibody 251207 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
ENC-1 Antibody 254260 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
ENC-2 Antibody 254261 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
EndoG (7F2D7) Antibody 253260 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
EndoG (7F2G10) Antibody 253261 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
EndoG (7G1C10) Antibody 253258 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
EndoG (7G1G10) Antibody 253259 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
EndoG Antibody 253423 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
Endostatin Antibody 251198 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Endostatin Antibody 250103 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3316
Endothelin B Receptor Antibody 251852 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Endothelin-1 Antibody 250640 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3771
Endothelin-1 Antibody 250633 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3771
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