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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Prolactin-Releasing Peptide-31 (PrRP-31) (Rat) - Western Blot Kit WBK-008-52 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 9223
pro-SAAS (221-242) / PEN (Human) - Western Blot Kit WBK-004-52 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 8463
Protein Inhibitor of nNOS (PIN) (24-58) (Human, Rat, Mouse) - Western Blot Kit WBK-023-69 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 9223
PVDF膜0.22um    规格:15x13.5cm 1-YA1700-13.25*15 BioTNT RMB 110
PVDF膜0.45um    规格:15x13.5cm 1-YA1701-13.25*15 BioTNT RMB 100
QRFP Receptor AQ27 (401-433) / SP9155 (401-433) (Mouse) - Western Blot Kit WBK-001-81 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 10766
R250考马斯亮蓝染液 A20120A0206 BioTNT 100mL RMB 60
Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L) HRP A20120A0705 BioTNT 100ul RMB 298
Resistin (51-108) (Human) - Western Blot Kit WBK-028-40 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 10018
RIPA裂解及抽提缓冲液 A20120A0101 BioTNT 50ml RMB 120
SCNH2 / Selective Cutting Apelin-36 (1-16) amide (Human) - Western Blot Kit WBK-057-36 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 9223
SDS 1-S8010-500g BioTNT 500g RMB 240
SDS 1-S8010-100g BioTNT 100g RMB 80
SDS-PAGE电泳缓冲液(干粉) A20120A0209 BioTNT 可配制 10L RMB 120
SDS-PAGE凝胶配制试剂盒 A20120A0300 BioTNT 50T RMB 350
SDS-PAGE转膜缓冲液(干粉) A20120A0208 BioTNT 可配制5L RMB 120
Searchlight Ultra-Sensitive Chemiluminescent HRP Membrane/Blotting ECLSubstrate 3-RB-SRCHLGT-1L BioTNT 1L RMB 3622
Secretogranin II (SgII) (219-284) / EM-66 (Rat) - Western Blot Kit WBK-047-69 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 11466
SORL1 (2177-2214) (Human) - Western Blot Kit WBK-006-22 phoenix pep 1 kit RMB 9223
SP2/0 HCP WB kit F185 Cygnus 1 kit RMB 6245
TBS, pH7.6 - Buffer for Dot Blot and Western Blot Kits WB-B002 phoenix pep 50 ml RMB 202
TBST, pH7.6 - Buffer for Dot Blot and Western Blot Kits WB-B001 phoenix pep 100 ml RMB 285
TBST缓冲液(浓缩液) A20120A0212 BioTNT 可配制2L RMB 95
TBS缓冲液(浓缩液) A20120A0211 BioTNT 可配制2L RMB 95
TEMED 四甲基乙二胺  2-N818999-25ml BioTNT 25ml RMB 40
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