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Cygnus (408)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Anti-S.aureus HCP SA8114 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-S.cerevisiae HCP 82-SC-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-S.cerevisiae HCP 82SC-AFB Cygnus 1 mg RMB 32335
Anti-S.cerevisiae HCP 82SC-AF Cygnus 500 μl RMB 13009
Anti-S.cerevisiae HCP 82-SC Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-S.cerevisiae HCP 55-SC-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-S.cerevisiae:Biotinylated Conjugate F134 Cygnus 50 ml RMB 2058
Anti-S.cerevisiae:Biotinylated Conjugate F136 Cygnus 12 ml RMB 3990
Anti-SF21 Insect Cell HCP 34-SF21-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-SF21 Insect Cell HCP 34-SF21 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-SF9 Insect Cell HCP 12-SF9-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-SF9 Insect Cell HCP 12-SF9-AF Cygnus 1 mg RMB 13009
Anti-SF9 Insect Cell HCP 12-SF9 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-Shigella species 9-03PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-Shigella species 9-03 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-SP2/0 HCP SP110 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-SP2/0 HCP SP110-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-SP2/0 HCP SP110AF-HRP Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3990
Anti-SP2/0 HCP SP110AF-B Cygnus 1 ml RMB 5279
Anti-SP2/0 HCP SP110AF-AP Cygnus 1 ml RMB 6567
Anti-SP2/0 HCP SP110-AF Cygnus 1 mg RMB 13009
Anti-SP2/0:HRP Conjugate F181 Cygnus 12 ml RMB 3347
Anti-SP2/0:HRP Conjugate F187 Cygnus 50 ml RMB 2058
Anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae 8-43A-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae 8-42A Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
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