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Abbiotec (4270)
You view the brand“Abbiotec”Under“Antibody”There are no matches to your search request have 4270 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
CK17 (3B12) Antibody 252903 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 4164
CK7 (5D12) Antibody 252973 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 4164
CKIP1 Antibody 254154 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
CKIP-1 Antibody 251643 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
C-Kit (8D7) Antibody 252695 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 4164
c-Kit Antibody 252131 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
CKLFSF2 Antibody 251154 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
Claudin-5 Antibody 251609 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Clavesin Antibody 253119 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 4459
CLDN1 Antibody 254077 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
Clenbuterol (1F8B) Antibody 252618 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3279
Clenbuterol Antibody 252327 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 7382
CLIC1 Antibody 251932 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
CLIC2 Antibody 251936 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
CLIP170 Antibody 253898 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4188
CLOCK (8F7) Antibody 252994 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 3574
CLOCK Antibody 252186 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
Clostebol (CLAD) Antibody 252304 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 7382
Clostebol Antibody 252329 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 7382
Clostebol Antibody 252328 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 7382
Clostridium botulinum E Toxoid (11D4) Antibody 250284 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 7701
Clostridium botulinum E Toxoid (8B9) Antibody 250283 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 7701
Clostridium tetani Toxoid (10.D6) Antibody 250420 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 5613
Clostridium tetani Toxoid (14F5) Antibody 250421 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 5613
Clostridium tetani Toxoid (3F6) Antibody 250422 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 11152
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