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IBL-America (4745)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
ACY1 Monoclonal Antibody (Clone AT1E2) IBATGA0329 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5862
ACY1, 1-408aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0659 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
Acy1, 1-408aa, Mouse, His tag, E.coli IBATGP3131 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5708
ACY3, 1-319aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1136 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
ACYP1, 1-99aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0928 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ADA, 1-363aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1116 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
ADAL, 1-267aa, Human, His tag, E.coli , (Protein), 100 ug IBATGP2636 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ADAM10, 214-672aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus IBATGP3448 IBL-America 10 μg RMB 5538
ADAT2, 1-191aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0709 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
Adenovirus IgA ELISA IB79201 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 1954
Adenovirus IgG ELISA IB79202 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 2138
Adenovirus IgM ELISA IB79203 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 2138
Adenylate kinase 3(C22S), 1- 223aa, Human, His-tagged, Recombinant, E.coli IBADK0801 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7600
ADH1A, 1-375aa , Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1432 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ADH1A, 1-375aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus IBATGP3480 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5538
ADH1C, 1-375, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1593 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7600
ADH1C, 1-375aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus IBATGP3481 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5538
ADH5, 1-374aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1471 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ADH6, 1-375aa , Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1564 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ADI1 antibody (clone AT27E8), 100 ul IBATGA0248 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
ADI1, 1-179aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1975 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
Adiponectin Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBADI0501 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7600
Adiponectin / Acrp 30 (Mouse) ELISA BE69096 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 5275
Adiponectin Anti-Human Antibody (clone 5H7) IBAAD0614 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
Adiponectin(111-247aa; globular domain), Mouse, Recombinant, expressed in E.coli IBADI3001 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 4000
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