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Cygnus (408)
You view the brand“Cygnus”UnderThere are no matches to your search request have 408 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Anti-Human IgG4:HRP IM154 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2702
Anti-Insulin:Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate F041 Cygnus 12 ml RMB 3347
Anti-Insulin-US:Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate F281 Cygnus 12 ml RMB 3347
Anti-Klebsiella pneumoniae 9-01PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-Klebsiella pneumoniae 9-01 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-L.lactis HCP LL5557-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-L.lactis HCP LL5557-AF Cygnus 1 mg RMB 13009
Anti-L.lactis HCP LL5557 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-MRC5 HCP MRC5 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-MRC5 HCP MRC5-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-MRC5 HCP MRC5-AF Cygnus 1 mg RMB 25893
Anti-Mycobacterium 8-27B Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-Mycobacterium 1-04PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-N.meningitidis 8-25PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-N.meningitidis 8-36 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-N.meningitidis 8-24B Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-N.meningitidis 8-36PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-NS/0 HCP N9192-PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
Anti-NS/0 HCP N9192-AFB Cygnus 1 mg RMB 25893
Anti-NS/0 HCP N9192-AF Cygnus 1 mg RMB 13009
Anti-NS/0 HCP N9192 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-NS/0:HRP Conjugate F221 Cygnus 12 ml RMB 3347
Anti-NS/0:HRP Conjugate F226 Cygnus 50 ml RMB 2058
Anti-P.aeruginosa 8-57 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 2058
Anti-P.aeruginosa 8-57PA Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
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