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enzolifes (1181)
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Annexin V-Cy3 apoptosis detection kit plus[Content: 100 tests] ALX-850-257-KI02 enzolifes 1*100tests RMB 7210
Annexin V-Cy5 apoptosis detection kit(Content: 100 tests) ALX-850-254-KI02 enzolifes 1*100tests RMB 5187
Annexin V-Cy5 apoptosis detection kit(Content: 25 tests) ALX-850-254-KI01 enzolifes 1*25tests RMB 2551
Annexin V-EGFP apoptosis detection kit(Kit content: 100 tests) ALX-850-253-KI02 enzolifes 1*100tests RMB 5187
Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit ICT-9124 enzolifes 1x100 tests Inquiry
Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit LKT-A5353-T100 enzolifes 1x100 tests Inquiry
Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit plus[Content: 100 tests] ALX-850-255-KI02 enzolifes 1*100tests RMB 4930
Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit[Kit content: 100 Tests] ALX-850-020-KI02 enzolifes 1*100tests RMB 5728
Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit[Kit content: 300 Tests] ALX-850-020-KI01 enzolifes 1*300tests RMB 8450
Anti-HSP60 IgG/A/M (h), ELISA kit ADI-EKS-650 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 10046
Anti-HSP70 IgG/A/M (h), ELISA kit ADI-EKS-750 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 9434
APF Media Optimization Kit™ AES-0100-APF enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
APF Media Optimization Kit™, Liquid AES-0129 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
APO-BRDU (TM) Kit[Part 1 +4°C/Part 2 -20°C. Ship BI] ALX-850-042-KI01 enzolifes 1*1Kit RMB 8978
ApoE ELISA kit ENZ-KIT134-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 8892
ApoFlowEx® FITC Kit EXB-ED7044-T100 enzolifes 1x100 tests Inquiry
ApoSENSORTM ADP/ATP ratio assay kit(Kit content: 200 tests) ALX-850-248-KI01 enzolifes 1*200tests RMB 9604
ApoSENSORTM Cell viability assay kit(Kit content: 200 tests) ALX-850-247-KI01 enzolifes 1*200tests RMB 3591
APOSTRAND(TM) ELISA apoptosis detection kit BML-AK120-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 8650
APP Delta C31 ELISA kit ADI-900-227-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7866
AR (h) Reporter Assay System NGO-IB03001-0096 enzolifes 1x96 wells Inquiry
AR (h) Reporter Assay System NGO-IB03001-0032 enzolifes 3x32 assays Inquiry
AR (h) Reporter Assay System NGO-IB03002-0384 enzolifes 1x384 wells Inquiry
Arg8-Vasopressin ELISA kit ADI-901-017A enzolifes 5*96wells RMB 22686
Arg8-Vasopressin ELISA kit ADI-900-017A enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 5686
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