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phoenix pep (8991)
phoenix pep
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
[Sar1, Thr8]-Angiotensin II (Human, Rat, Mouse, Porcine, Canine, Guinea Pig, Rabbit) 002-23 phoenix pep 5 mg RMB 653
[Sar1, Val5, Ala8]-Angiotensin II (Human, Rat, Mouse, Porcine, Canine, Guinea Pig, Rabbit) 002-25 phoenix pep 5 mg RMB 653
[Sar1]-Angiotensin II (Human, Rat, Mouse, Porcine, Canine, Guinea Pig, Rabbit) 002-14 phoenix pep 5 mg RMB 653
[Sar1]-Angiotensin II (Human, Rat, Mouse, Porcine, Canine, Guinea Pig, Rabbit) - I-125 Labeled T-002-14 phoenix pep 10 μCi RMB 12843
[Sar9, Met(02)11]-Substance P (Human, Rat, Mouse) 061-13 phoenix pep 1 mg RMB 653
[Ser2]-Exendin-4 (1-9) (Heloderma suspectum) 028-18 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 1448
[Ser25]-Protein Kinase C (PKC) (19-31) 058-26 phoenix pep 500 μg RMB 819
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl), (Leu(13C)6,(15N)-5,25]-Ghrelin (Human) SIL-031-32 phoenix pep 20 μg RMB 13306
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl),Tyr29]-Ghrelin (Human) 031-55 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 3169
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl),Tyr29]-Ghrelin (Human) - I-125 Labeled T-031-55 phoenix pep 10 μCi RMB 12843
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-14) (Human) 031-40 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 973
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-18) / Motlin-Related Peptide (Human) 031-47 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 2243
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-18) / Motlin-Related Peptide (Rat, Mouse) 031-48 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 2243
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-27) (Human) 031-83 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 2873
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-27) (Human) - Biotin Labeled B-031-83 phoenix pep 10 μg RMB 4534
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-27) (Human) - I-125 Labeled T-031-83 phoenix pep 10 μCi RMB 12843
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-5) amide (Human, Rat, Mouse, Bovine, Canine) 031-42 phoenix pep 200 μg RMB 415
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (1-5) amide (Human, Rat, Mouse, Bovine, Canine) - Biotin Labeled B-031-42 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 3003
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (Human) 031-32 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 1982
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (Human) - FAM Labeled Purified IgG FG-G-031-32A phoenix pep 100 μl RMB 6778
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (Human) - I-125 Labeled T-031-32 phoenix pep 10 μCi RMB 12843
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (Human) - Rhodamine Labeled FR-031-32 phoenix pep 1 nmol RMB 7466
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (Rat, Mouse) 031-33 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 2243
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (Rat, Mouse) - Biotin Labeled B-031-33 phoenix pep 100 μg RMB 3775
[Ser3(Des-Octanoyl)]-Ghrelin (Rat, Mouse) - I-125 Labeled T-031-33 phoenix pep 10 μCi RMB 12843
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