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Arborassays (733)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
ThioStar® Detection Reagent, 1EA C012-1EA Arborassays 1EA 2156
ThioStar™ Fluorescent Thiol Substrate, 100UG L002-100UG Arborassays 100UG 3417
ThioStar™ Fluorescent Thiol Substrate, 250UG L002-250UG Arborassays 250UG 6661
ThioStar™ Fluorescent Thiol Substrate, 500UG L002-500UG Arborassays 500UG 12122
ThioStar™ Fluorescent Thiol Substrate, 50UG L002-50UG Arborassays 50UG 1861
Thyroxine (T4) ELISA Kit (1 Plate) K050-H1 Arborassays 1x96 well plate 4434
Thyroxine (T4) ELISA Kit (5 Plate) K050-H5 Arborassays 5x96 well plate 16800
Thyroxine Standard, 200UL C177-200UL Arborassays 200UL 2105
Thyroxine Standard, 40UL C177-40UL Arborassays 40UL 864
TMB Substrate, 11ML X133-11ML Arborassays 11ML 857
TMB Substrate, 11ML X019-11ML Arborassays 11ML 857
TMB Substrate, 55ML X019-55ML Arborassays 55ML 1708
Tranylcypromine X042-1EA Arborassays 1EA 596
Trichostatin A P010-1MG Arborassays 1MG 1351
Triethylamine, 4ML X072-4ML Arborassays 4ML 189
Triiodothyronine (T3) ELISA Kit (1 Plate) K056-H1 Arborassays 1x96 well plate 6434
Triiodothyronine (T3) ELISA Kit (5 Plate) K056-H5 Arborassays 5x96 well plate 18800
Triiodothyronine Standard, 350UL C216-350UL Arborassays 350UL 2105
Triiodothyronine Standard, 70UL C216-70UL Arborassays 70UL 864
TriMe Lys4 Histone H3 Polyclonal, Rabbit, 100UL A007-100UL Arborassays 100UL 4522
Ultra-Micro UV-Cuvettes, 15mm beam height; 70-550µL capacity, 100EA X097-100EA Arborassays 100EA 2278
Ultra-Micro UV-Cuvettes, 8.5mm beam height; 70-850µL capacity, 100EA X096-100EA Arborassays 100EA 2278
Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Detection Kit (10 Plate) K024-H5 Arborassays 10x96 well plate 15172
Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Detection Kit (2 Plate) K024-H1 Arborassays 2x96 well plate 3834
Urea Nitrogen Standard, 1ML C089-1ML Arborassays 1ML 1464
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