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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Cathepsin H Activity Assay Kit GWB-AXR112 GenWay 100 assays RMB 7187
Cathepsin K (组织蛋白酶K)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K141-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin K Activity Assay Kit GWB-AXR108 GenWay 100 assays RMB 7187
Cathepsin L (组织蛋白酶L)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K142-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin L Activity Assay Kit GWB-AXR109 GenWay 100 assays RMB 7187
Cathepsin S (组织蛋白酶S)Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K144-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4355
Cathepsin S Activity Assay Kit GWB-AXR111 GenWay 100 assays RMB 7187
Cathepsin(组织蛋白酶) B (CTSB) Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K147-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5785
Cathepsin(组织蛋白酶) D Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K148-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5655
Cathepsin(组织蛋白酶) G Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K146-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5135
Cathepsin(组织蛋白酶) K Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K150-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6435
CBP bromodomain TR-FRET Assay Kit 600850-9600 Cayman 9600 wells RMB 89495
CBP bromodomain TR-FRET Assay Kit 600850-384 Cayman 384 wells RMB 5329
CBP bromodomain TR-FRET Assay Kit 600850-1920 Cayman 1920 wells RMB 19981
CCHamide-2, long form - RIA Kit RK-007-95 phoenix pep 125 tubes RMB 10992
CD117 (c-kit, Receptor for Stem Cell Factor), rat anti mouse, clone ACK4 T-2033 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 3411
Cell Explorer™固定化细胞示踪试剂盒 *红色荧光* AAT Bioquest 200 Tests RMB 2600
Cell Explorer™活细胞示踪试剂盒 *橙色荧光* AAT Bioquest 200 Tests RMB 2600
Cell Explorer™活细胞示踪试剂盒 *红色荧光* AAT Bioquest 200 Tests RMB 2600
Cell Explorer™活细胞示踪试剂盒 *蓝色荧光* AAT Bioquest 200 Tests RMB 2600
Cell Explorer™活细胞示踪试剂盒 *绿色荧光* AAT Bioquest 200 Tests RMB 2600
Cell Explorer™活细胞示踪试剂盒 *深红色荧光* AAT Bioquest 200 Tests RMB 2600
Cell Explorer™细胞自噬检测荧光成像试剂盒 AAT Bioquest 200 Tests RMB 3909
Cell Genome Extraction Kit (Magnetic Bead Method) NAE-CGEN-MAG Raybiotech 50样本 RMB 1500
Cell Injury Assay Kit (细胞损伤检测试剂盒)(100wells) A-101 BMR 100 wells RMB 3167
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