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Arborassays (733)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Myeloperoxidase Standard, 70UL C225-70UL Arborassays 70UL 864
Na Valproate P001-5GM Arborassays 5GM 596
N-Acetylcysteine Standard, 220UL C013-220UL Arborassays 220UL 864
NADH Concentrate, 1.2ML X090-1.2ML Arborassays 1.2ML 857
NADPH Concentrate, 1.4ML X044-1.4ML Arborassays 1.4ML 1108
NADPH Concentrate, 1ML X043-1ML Arborassays 1ML 864
NADPH Concentrate, 300UL X044-300UL Arborassays 300UL 857
NADPH Concentrate, 500UL X044-500UL Arborassays 500UL 742
NADPH Diluent, 5ML X034-5ML Arborassays 5ML 450
NADPH lyophilized, 1EA X045-1EA Arborassays 1EA 712
NADPH, 1EA X032-1EA Arborassays 1EA 784
Nitrate Reductase, 1EA C088-1EA Arborassays 1EA 450
Nitrate Standard, 200UL C086-200UL Arborassays 200UL 864
Nitric Oxide Colorimetric Detection Kit (2 Plate) K023-H1 Arborassays 2x96 well plate 2939
Nitrite Standard, 200UL C087-200UL Arborassays 200UL 864
Osteopontin Human (OPN) ELISA Kit (1 Plate) K021-H1 Arborassays 1x96 well plate 7939
Osteopontin Standard, 1EA C077-1EA Arborassays 1EA 1108
Oxidized Glutathione Control, 350UL C020-350UL Arborassays 350UL 864
Oxidized Glutathione Standard, 300UL C020-300UL Arborassays 300UL 864
Oxidized Glutathione, 3ML C024-3ML Arborassays 3ML 2583
Oxytocin Chemiluminescent ELISA Kit (1 Plate) K048-C1 Arborassays 1x96 well plate 5278
Oxytocin Chemiluminescent ELISA Kit (5 Plate) K048-C5 Arborassays 5x96 well plate 20633
Oxytocin ELISA Kit (1 Strip Plate) K048-H1 Arborassays 1x96 well plate 5034
Oxytocin ELISA Kit (1 Whole Plate) K048-H1W Arborassays 1x96 well plate 5034
Oxytocin ELISA Kit (5 Strip Plate) K048-H5 Arborassays 5x96 well plate 19372
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