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Capricobio (891)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
CD45RA PE 6087025 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 5108
CD45RA PE 6087022 Capricobio 50 Tests RMB 3188
CD45RA PE 108726 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 1964
CD45RA PE 108725 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 1137
CD45RA PE 108724 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 491
CD45RA Unconjugated 108703 Capricobio 500 µg RMB 2313
CD45RA Unconjugated 108701 Capricobio 100 µg RMB 504
CD45RO FITC 107816 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 2701
CD45RO FITC 107815 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 1538
CD45RO FITC 107814 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 969
CD45RO Unconjugated 107803 Capricobio 500 µg RMB 4135
CD45RO Unconjugated 107801 Capricobio 100 µg RMB 1021
CD5 APC 100546 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 5066
CD5 APC 100545 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 3102
CD5 APC 100544 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1279
CD5 Biotin 100551 Capricobio 100 µg RMB 2042
CD5 FITC 100516 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 3489
CD5 FITC 100515 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2055
CD5 FITC 100514 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 762
CD5 PE 100526 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4122
CD5 PE 100525 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2572
CD5 PE 100524 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1150
CD5 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100566 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 5945
CD5 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100565 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 3515
CD5 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100564 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1667
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