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BioVendor (535)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Trail Receptor 4 (CD264) RGP025R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7717
Training Kit RA19009R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 2120
Transferrin RSCPRG091R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 15794
TRAP 5 RD197025000 BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6932
TrefoiI Factor 1 RD191158100R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) Inquiry
Trefoil Factor 2 RD191159100R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) Inquiry
Trefoil Factor 3 RD391160200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7568
Trefoil Factor 3 RD191160200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Triiodothyronine, Free (fT3) RCAN-FT3-4230R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 4240
Triiodothyronine, Total (T3) RCAN-T3-4220R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 4240
Trombomodulin (CD141) RGP003R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7717
Troponin I RLF-EK0128R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 9434
TSH Receptor Autoantibody Second Generation RTRE/96/2AR BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6360
TSH Receptor Autoantibody Third Generation RTRE/96/3AR BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7314
Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor RD191343100R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7568
Urocortin 2 RSCYK190R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12614
Urocortin 3 RSCYK200R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12614
Uromodulin RD491163200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Uromodulin RD191163200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6932
Vaspin RD191097200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6932
VEGF-A RAF137R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7844
VEGF-A RAF136R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
VEGF-C RAF138R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
VEGF-C RAF139R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7844
VEGF-D RD194442200CS BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5660
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