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IBL (1412)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
8-OHdG Check high sensitive ELISA JI51021 IBL 96test RMB 18562
Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibodies (ARAb) RRA RE21023 IBL 30test RMB 3386
Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibodies (ARAb) RRA RE21021 IBL 100test RMB 7472
ACTH ELISA RE53081 IBL 96test RMB 6950
ACTH IRMA (CT) RE11081 IBL 100test RMB 6946
Active-B12 (Holotranscobalamin) ELISA AX53101 IBL 96test RMB 5268
Acylation reagent 1vial KESE761 IBL 10ml RMB 1075
Adenovirus IgA ELISA RE56561 IBL 96test RMB 2410
Adenovirus IgG ELISA RE56571 IBL 96test RMB 1715
Adenovirus IgM ELISA RE56581 IBL 96test RMB 1715
Adiponectin ELISA BV51001 IBL 96test RMB 6370
Adiponectin ELISA 30126762 IBL 96test RMB 6371
Adrenalin (Epinephrine) ELISA RE59251 IBL 96test RMB 4437
AFP ELISA RE52011 IBL 96test RMB 3474
Aldosterone 96det ELISA DB52001 IBL 96test RMB 3998
Aldosterone ELISA RE52301 IBL 96test RMB 5531
Aldosterone RIA (CT) MG13051 IBL 100test RMB 6382
Alpha 1 anti trypsin stool ELISA ID59031 IBL 96test RMB 7071
Alpha 1 anti trypsin ELISA ID59091 IBL 96test RMB 5976
Alpha Amylase Saliva Enzymatic Assay RE80111 IBL 96test RMB 2450
Alpha-2,6-Sialyltransferase (E41 Form) (Rat) ELISA JP27408 IBL 96test RMB 5227
Alpha-Klotho ELISA JP27998 IBL 96test RMB 7100
Alpha-Synuclein ELISA JP27740 IBL 96test RMB 7100
Alpha-Synuclein MONO detection ELISA DN50161 IBL 96test RMB 23967
Alpha-Synuclein MULTI detection ELISA DN50181 IBL 96test RMB 23967
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