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Capricobio (891)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
CD4 iFluor™ 647 1004125 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2714
CD4 iFluor™ 647 1004124 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1163
CD4 iFluor™ 700 6004195 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 5858
CD4 iFluor™ 700 1004196 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4652
CD4 iFluor™ 700 6004192 Capricobio 50 Tests RMB 3668
CD4 iFluor™ 700 1004195 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2714
CD4 iFluor™ 700 1004194 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1163
CD4 mFluor™ 450 1004146 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4652
CD4 mFluor™ 450 1004145 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2714
CD4 mFluor™ 450 1004144 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1266
CD4 PE 100426 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 1357
CD4 PE 100425 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 762
CD4 PE 100424 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 310
CD4 PE-Cyanine7 6004085 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 6055
CD4 PE-Cyanine7 100486 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 5479
CD4 PE-Cyanine7 6004082 Capricobio 50 Tests RMB 3791
CD4 PE-Cyanine7 100485 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 3257
CD4 PE-Cyanine7 100484 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1538
CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100466 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4135
CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100465 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2442
CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100464 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1086
CD4 Unconjugated 100403 Capricobio 500 µg RMB 1938
CD4 Unconjugated 100401 Capricobio 100 µg RMB 439
CD40 PE 106726 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 3812
CD40 PE 106725 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2391
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