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IBL-America (4745)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
BFIT, 19-250aa, Human, His tag, E.coli, (Protein), 100 ug IBATGP2436 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
BGN, 38-368aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1988 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
BHMT (Betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase) Human, His- tag, Recombinant E.coli IBBHM0601 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 3877
BHMT Anti-Human Antibody (clone 3D6) IBABH0708 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
BHMT2, 1-363aa, Human, His tag, E.coli , (Protein), 50 ug IBATGP2672 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5708
Bid Anti-Human Antibody (Clone 4D3) IBABI0923 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
BID, 1-195aa, Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBBID0801 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 11077
BIGH3 , Fasciclin domain 4 (502-636aa) Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBBIG0601 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5538
BIGH3, 502-683 aa, Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBBIG0905 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 3877
Biliverdin reductase A, 3-296 aa, Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBATGP0377 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 4000
Biliverdin reductase B, 1-206aa, Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBBVR0901 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 3877
BIN1, 1-439aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0673 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
BIP Monoclonal Antibody (Clone AT3D2) IBATGA0320 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5862
BIP, 20-650aa, Human, His tag, Hi-5 Cell IBATGP0824 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
BIP, 20-650aa, Human, His-Tagged, Recombinant, E.coli IBBIP0901 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7385
BLK, 1-505aa, Human, His tag, Hi-5 IBATGP1223 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
BLMH, 1-455aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0764 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
BLNK, 1-456aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0915 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
BLOC1S2, 1-142aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1528 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
BLyS, 134-285 aa Human, His-tagged, Recombinant, E.coli IBBLS0801 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7385
BMF, 1-129aa, Human, T7-tagged, Recombinant, E.coli IBATGP0324 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7600
BMP- 4, 293-408aa, Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBBMP0904 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 3877
BMP-2 (Mouse) ELISA BE69103 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 4879
BMP-2 (Rat) ELISA BE69104 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 4879
BMP2 antibody (clone AT15B3), 100 ul IBATGA0281 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
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