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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
DPQ EPT-M71000-1 epigentek 1mg RMB 1746
DR2313 EPT-M75002-1 epigentek 10mg RMB 1895
DTNB Assay Reagent 760912-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 65
DuP-697 Assay Reagent 760158-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 183
E.coli HCP Antigen Concentrate F413H Cygnus 200 μl RMB 3347
E.coli HCP Control Antigen F417 Cygnus 50 μl RMB 1414
Early Myeloid Precursor Cells, rat anti mouse, clone ER-MP54 T-2003 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 5773
EB清除剂 E1027 国产品牌 100T RMB 636
E-Cadherin (L-CAM), mouse anti human, clone 67A4 T-1338 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 5248
EDTA抗原修复液(1×) C1033 国产品牌 100ml(¥60)/500ml(¥200) RMB 64
EDTA抗原修复液(50×) C1034 国产品牌 100(¥80)/500ml(¥260) RMB 85
EDTA脱钙液 (PH7.2) E1171 国产品牌 100ml(¥60)/500ml(¥200) RMB 64
EIA Antiserum Dye 400042-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 75
EIA Tracer Dye 400040-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 75
ELISA Buffer, 20x concentrated. Y-1055 Peninsula Lab. 50ml RMB 1050
EMAP II (Endothelial Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II), mouse anti human / rat, clone 546-2 Biotin T-1131 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4986
EMAP II (Endothelial Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II), mouse anti human/rat, clone 546-2 T-1130 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 6560
Endostatin (Collagen XVIII), mouse anti human, clone 1837-46 T-1423 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 6298
Endothelia cells (fully differentiated), rat anti human, clone 1F10 Biotin T-1124 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 5773
Endothelial cells (Factor VIII related antigen, malignancy related), mouse anti human/bovine/porcine, clone KG 7/30 T-1104 Peninsula Lab. 50µg RMB 4461
Endothelial cells (fully differentiated), rat anti human, clone 1F10 T-1102 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4986
Endothelial Cells, (Thrombocytes, Platelets) mouse anti porcine, clone PE1 T-3510 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 5248
Endothelial cells, mouse anti rat, clone DLP97 T-3018 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 5773
Endothelin EIA Standard 483154-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 301
Endothelin-1 (hu, bo, ca, ms, po, rt); purified rabbit IgG. Produced by Peninsula Laboratories T-4049 Peninsula Lab. 400μg RMB 7610
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