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Cygnus (408)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
TMB Substrate, for Western Blot F129 Cygnus 100 ml RMB 1414
TMB Substrate, for Western Blot F100029 Cygnus 1000 ml RMB 6245
Total Goat Milk Proteins ELISA kit F240 Transgenics Cygnus 1 kit RMB 8500
Total Goat Milk Proteins WB kit F245 Cygnus 1 kit RMB 6245
Vero Cell Antigen Concentrate F503H Cygnus 400 μl RMB 3990
Vero Cell Control Antigen F507 Cygnus 70 μl RMB 1414
Vero Cell HCP ELISA kit(宿主细胞蛋白残留检测) F500 Mammalian Cygnus 1 kit RMB 8500
Vero Cell HCP Standards Set, A-F F503 Cygnus 1 ml RMB 3347
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