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BioVision (580)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
MMP-3 Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K783-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5005
MMP-3 Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K793-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6045
MMP-8 (rat) ELISA Kit K4743-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
Monoamine Oxidase A (MAO-A) Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K796-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6305
Monoamine Oxidase Activity (Total MAO/MAO-A/MAO-B) Fluorometric Assay Kit K795-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4225
Monoamine Oxidase B (MAO-B) Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K797-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6305
MTS Cell Proliferation Colorimetric Assay Kit K300-2500 BioVision 2500 assays RMB 5135
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit K744-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5005
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Inhibitor Screening Kit (Fluorometric) K746-200 BioVision 200 assays RMB 7735
Myeloperoxidase (MPO)(髓过氧物酶) Fluorometric Activity Assay Kit K745-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4875
N′烟酰胺甲基转移酶(NNMT)抑制剂筛选检测试剂盒 --N′-Nicotinamide Methyltransferase (NNMT) Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit K822-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6175
NAD/NADH Quantitation Colorimetric Kit K337-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5395
NADP/NADPH Quantitation Colorimetric Kit K347-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5395
Nampt (Visfatin/PBEF) (human) Intracellular ELISA Kit K4909-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9763
Nampt (Visfatin/PBEF) (mouse/rat) Serum ELISA Kit K4908-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9763
Nesfatin (human/mouse/rat) EIA Kit K4758-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8302
Neuraminidase Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit K732-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5135
Nickel Colorimetric Assay Kit K510-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 4225
Nitric Oxide(一氧化氮) Colorimetric Assay Kit K262-200 BioVision 200 assays RMB 4225
Nitric Oxide(一氧化氮) Fluorometric Assay Kit K252-200 BioVision 200 assays RMB 4225
Notch-1 (human) ELISA Kit K4763-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
NQO1 (human intracellular) ELISA Kit K4926-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9763
Obestatin (human/mouse/rat) EIA Kit K4759-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8302
Osteopontin (OPN) (human) ELISA Kit K7335-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6138
Oxalate (Oxalic Acid) Colorimetric Assay Kit K663-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6435
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