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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Defensin (HNP, neutrophils), mouse anti human, clone DEF-3 T-1034 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 6560
Dendritic Cells (DEC-205, CD205), rat anti mouse, clone NLDC-145 T-2013 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3149
Dendritic Cells (DEC-205, CD205), rat anti mouse, clone NLDC-145 Biotin T-2025 Peninsula Lab. 150µg RMB 3411
Dendritic Cells (DEC-205, CD205), rat anti mouse, clone NLDC-145 FITC T-2023 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 3411
Dendritic cells (follicular DCs, accessory B-cell macrophages), mouse anti human, clone Ki-M4 T-1007 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 6035
Dendritic cells (follicular DCs, C9 neoepitope), mouse anti human, clone X-11 T-1006 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 6560
Dendritic Cells, rat anti mouse, clone MIDC-8 T-2014 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 5510
Deslorelin RP-1476 ADI 5 mg RMB 1112
DHEA-S DE44100 Demeditec 100 RMB 1800
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) DE5170 Demeditec 100 RMB 5016
DISH,BIOASSAY,245MM SQUARE,S, 245mm方型生物测定盒 灭菌(cf 431111/431272/431301) 431272 corning 康宁 RMB 406
DMNP-EDTA 510 016 SySy 5mg RMB 3671
DMSO Assay Reagent 2A-700001-3 Cayman 3 ml RMB 215
DMSO Assay Reagent 2A-700001-1 Cayman 1 ml RMB 118
DMXAA P024-5MG Arborassays 5MG 1918
DMXAA P024-25MG Arborassays 25MG 7191
DNA Precipitation Buffer D106 Cygnus 55 ml RMB 770
DNA Sample Diluent D006-500 Cygnus 500 ml RMB 5279
DNA/RNA Oxidative Damage EIA Standard 10012603-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 549
DNMT Activity / Inhibition Assay 55006 Active Motif 1 x 96 rxns Inquiry
D-PBS,液体,不含钙、镁和酚红 D1040 国产品牌 500ml RMB 127
Dpd Controls - Urine 4822 quidel setof4 RMB 1859
DPP (IV) (human recombinant) Assay Reagent 700212-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 1098
DPP Assay Buffer (10X) 700211-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 226
DPP Assay Substrate 700213-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 937
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