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IBL-America (4745)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
ATP1B3, 57- 279aa, Human, His tag, E.coli , (Protein), 50 ug IBATGP2677 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
ATP5C1, 26-298aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2137 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ATP5D, 23-168aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1099 IBL-America 10 μg RMB 5708
ATP5F1, 83-256aa, Human, His tag, E.coli , (Protein), 100 ug IBATGP2516 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ATP5H, 1-161aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2248 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
ATP5O, 24-213aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0847 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ATP6V1F, 1-119aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2947 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ATPIF1, 26-106aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1630 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
AUH, 68-339aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0838 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
Aurkb Anti-Human Antibody (At2B1) IBATGA0185 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
Aurora kinase A, 1-403aa, Human, His-tagged, Recombinant, E.coli IBATGP0343 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5708
Aurora Kinase B, 1- 344 aa, Human, His-tagged, Recombinant, E.coli IBATGP0394 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 11415
Axin1 Anti-Human Antibody (At1A4) IBATGA0189 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
AZGP1, 21-298aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2957 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7600
B2M Antibody (Clone AT101F10) IBATGA0439 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5862
B2M, 21-119aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0624 IBL-America 10 μg RMB 5708
B3GAT3, 29-335aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2114 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
B3GNT2, 29-397aa, Human, His-tagged, Baculovirus IBATGP3402 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5538
B7-1/CD80 (Mouse) ELISA BE69010 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 6246
B9D1, 1-204 aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2803 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
B9D2, 1-175aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2768 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5708
BAALC, 1-145aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0438 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 11415
BABAM1, 1-329aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2780 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 7600
BAFF (Mouse) ELISA BE69098 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 6330
BAFF ELISA BE69097 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 6330
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