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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay Reaction Buffer (10X) 460104-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 108
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay Stannous Chloride 460107-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 97
COX-2 (human recombinant) Assay Reagent 460121-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 581
C-Peptide DE35100 Demeditec 100 RMB 2280
cPLA2 Assay Buffer 765030-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 65
CRF (hu, ms, rt); purified rabbit IgG. Produced by Peninsula Laboratories T-4036 Peninsula Lab. 400μg RMB 7610
CRP, (C-Reactive Protein), mouse anti porcine, clone PC1 T-3508 Peninsula Lab. 250µg RMB 5248
CRP, (C-Reactive Protein), mouse anti porcine, clone PC1 Biotin T-3513 Peninsula Lab. 250µg RMB 4986
Crry (p65), mouse anti rat, clone 512 T-3023 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 3149
CTGF (Connective Tissue Growth Factor 16-36), mouse anti human, rat, clone 2154-60 T-1424 Peninsula Lab. 500µg RMB 6822
Curcumin EPT-M35000-1 epigentek 1g RMB 555
CX3C Receptor 1 (CX3CR1, G-Protein Coupled Receptor 13 (GPR13, Fractalkine Receptor, V28, belongs to the G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) family 1), mouse anti human, clone 1G4 T-1235 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4198
Cyclic AMP EIA Standard 481004-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 237
Cyclic AMP Select EIA Antiserum 2A-401042-100 Cayman 100 dtn RMB 700
Cyclic AMP Select EIA Standard 2A-401044-2000 Cayman 2000 pmol RMB 388
Cyclic GMP EIA Standard 481024-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 237
CYFRA 21-1 DE52100 Demeditec 100 RMB 4776
Cysteinyl Leukotriene EIA Standard 420504-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 323
Cytochrome c Assay Reagent 2A-700952-3 Cayman 3 mg RMB 861
Cytokeratin (pan; acidic and basic, type I and II cytokeratins), mouse anti human/vertebrate, clone Lu-5 T-1302 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 6560
DAB Substrate Kit (HRP-based immunostaining)(DAB显色试剂盒)(辣根过氧化物酶免疫染色) (200 ml) A-122 BMR 200 ml RMB 2833
DAB显色试剂盒(20×) DA1010 国产品牌 3ml(¥100)/10ml(¥300) RMB 106
DEC-205 (CD205; LY75; dendritic cells), chicken anti human, polyclonal. Note: Needs permit for USA importation. T-1509 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 6035
Decitabine P015-10MG Arborassays 10MG 1613
Decitabine P015-50MG Arborassays 50MG 5786
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