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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Cholesterol Assay Horseradish Peroxidase 10008055-5 Cayman 5 ea RMB 571
Cholesterol Assay Horseradish Peroxidase 10008055-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 151
Cholesterol Assay Oxidase 10008056-5 Cayman 5 ea RMB 1012
Cholesterol Assay Oxidase 10008056-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 269
Cholesterol Assay Standard 10008053-5 Cayman 5 ea RMB 571
Cholesterol Assay Standard 10008053-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 151
Cholesterol Detection Assay Buffer 10009868-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 118
Chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG), mouse anti human, clone h6 T-1322 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 3411
CICP Controls - Serum 4818 quidel setof4 RMB 1859
Citrate Synthase Activity Assay Buffer 2A-701041-15 Cayman 15 ml RMB 538
CML-BSA Control STA-314 Cellbio 100 μg RMB 3101
CMT 杂交室o型环 40001 corning 康宁 RMB 372
Collagen IV (malignant neoplastic marker), mouse anti human/porcine, clone C IV 22 T-1201 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 6560
Complement Activator A114 quidel 0.2mL RMB 5010
Corticosterone EIA Antiserum 2A-400656-100 Cayman 100 dtn RMB 549
Corticosterone EIA Standard 400657-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 237
Cortisol DE28100 Demeditec 100 RMB 1800
Cortisol EIA Standard 400364-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 377
Cortisol Express EIA Standard 400374-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 431
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay Arachidonic Acid (substrate) 460103-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 323
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay COX-1 (ovine) 460100-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 646
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay COX-2 (ovine) 460101-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 581
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay Heme 460102-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 75
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay Hydrochloric Acid 460106-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 86
COX Inhibitor Screening Assay Potassium Hydroxide 460105-1 Cayman 1 ea RMB 86
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