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BioVendor (535)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
MPO RHK324-02R BioVendor 192 wells (1 kit) RMB 13780
MPO RHK324-01R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 9858
MxA Protein RD194349200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Nesfatin-1 RD191227200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Neudesin RD191276200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Neuroserpin RD191326200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
NO Synthase I RSCYK100R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12614
NSE RIM002R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5512
Obestatin RSCYK230R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12614
Obestatin RSCYK231R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 12614
Omentin-1 RD191100200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7568
Osteoactivin RD191170200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Osteocalcin (OST) RIS002R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6084
Osteoprotegerin RD194003200 BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6296
p53 RAF082R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
PAI-1 RAF083R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
Pancreatic-Derived Factor RD191259200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
PAPP-A RAL-106-i (CE) BioVendor 96 wells RMB 7346
PAPP-A2 RAL-109-i (CE) BioVendor 96 wells RMB 13282
Paraoxonase 1 RD191279200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 10324
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) RIS003R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5851
Parvalbumin α RD191401200CS BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) Inquiry
Pentraxin 3 RSCPP-PD03-E0R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 22154
Pepsinogen I RIS007R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 9646
Pepsinogen II RIS008R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 9646
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