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CST (444)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
PathScan® Total CDK5 Sandwich ELISA Kit 94371 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Chk1 Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair 7873 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Chk1 Sandwich ELISA Kit 7872 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Chk2 Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair 7090 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Chk2 Sandwich ELISA Kit 7045 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total c-Jun Chemiluminescent Sandwich ELISA Kit 7028 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total c-Jun Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair 7314 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total c-Myc Chemiluminescent Sandwich ELISA Kit 45449 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Cox2 Sandwich ELISA Kit 7291 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total CREB Sandwich ELISA Kit 7390 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Cyclin D1 Sandwich ELISA Kit 7918 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total DDR1 Sandwich ELISA Kit 7845 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total E-Cadherin Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair 7887 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total E-Cadherin Sandwich ELISA Kit 7886 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total EGF Receptor Chemiluminescent Sandwich ELISA Kit 7297 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total EGF Receptor Sandwich ELISA Kit 7250 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total eIF2α Sandwich ELISA Kit 7952 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total eIF4E Sandwich ELISA Kit 7940 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total EpCAM Sandwich ELISA Kit 85626 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Estrogen Receptor α Sandwich ELISA Kit  80251 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Ezh2 Sandwich ELISA Kit 13278 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total Fatty Acid Synthase Sandwich ELISA Kit 7689 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total FGF Receptor 1 Sandwich ELISA Kit 12828 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total FGF Receptor 3 Sandwich ELISA Kit 15077 CST Inquiry
PathScan® Total FGFR2 Sandwich ELISA Kit 7939 CST Inquiry
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