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ALPCO (533)
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KIM-1 ELISA, (96 wells), "RUO" 41-KIMHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 10000
KIM-1 Mouse ELISA, (96 wells), "RUO" 41-KIMMS-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 10000
L1-CAM (Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA, (96 wells) "RUO" 20-LCAHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 15740
Lactoferrin ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO" 41-LACHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 8900
Lambda ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO" 41-LAMHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 9040
Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase ELISA, 96w "RUO" 47-LCAHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 17820
Leptin Ultrasensitive ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO" 22-LEPHUU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 8980
L-FABP (Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein) (Human) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO" 41-LFAHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 9000
L-FABP (Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein) (Rat) ELISA, 96 wells,"RUO" 41-LFART-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 8780
LH (Lutenizing Hormone) (Urine) ELISA (96 wells) "IVD" 20-LHUHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 2480
LH EIA*,(96 wells), "IVD" 25-LUTHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 1800
LIF (Leukemia Inhbitory Factory) ELISA, 96 wells, RUO 61-LIFHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 12600
LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) ELISA, 96w, "RUO" 47-LPLHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 13180
Luteinizing Hormone EIA, "IVD" 96 wells 11-LUTHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 3300
Luteinizing Hormone IRMA, 96 wells, "RUO" 38-KIP1311 ALPCO EACH RMB 2640
MCP-1 (Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 ) (Mouse) ELISA, 96 wells, RUO 61-MCPMS-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 12600
MCP-1 (Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 ) ELISA, 96 wells, RUO, Ship & Store some components at -20C 61-MCPHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 12600
Metanephrine (Plasma) EIA (96 wells), "RUO" 17-METHU-E01-FST ALPCO EACH RMB 10520
Microalbumin EIA*, (96 wells), "IVD" 24-MABHU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 6500
MMP-3 (Matrix Metalloproteinase), "RUO" 96w 48-MP3HU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 17820
MMP-9 (Matrix Metalloproteinase-9) ELISA, 96 wells, RUO 61-MP9HU-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 12600
Monkey Albumin ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO" 41-ALBMK-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 8500
Monkey Cystatin C ELISA ELISA, 96 wells, "RUO" 41-CYCMK-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 8860
Mouse Albumin EIA, (96 wells), "RUO" 41-ALBMS-E01 ALPCO EACH RMB 6600
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