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BioVendor (535)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
KL-6 RSCYK243882R BioVendor 96 wells RMB 26818
Lactoferrin RD194334200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6296
Lecithin-Cholesterol Acyltransferase RD191122200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Leptin RD291001200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 3752
Leptin RD320001 BioVendor 1-for 5x 96-well plates RMB 2798
Leptin RD220001 BioVendor 1-for 5x 96-well plates RMB 2798
Leptin RD120001 BioVendor 1-for 5x 96-well plates RMB 2798
Leptin Receptor RD194002100 BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5660
Leptin, Clinical Range RD191001100 BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 2798
LH RCAN-LH-4040R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 4558
LH RSHAKRLH-010SR BioVendor 96 wells RMB 11787
LIF RAF078R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
Lipocalin -type Prostaglandin D Synthase (Beta-Trace Protein BTP) RD191113100R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 6296
Lipocalin-2/NGAL RD191102200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5660
Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor RD193443200CS BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7568
Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) RD194440200CS BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5660
Matrix Metalloproteinase 7 (MMP-7) RD193438200CS BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5660
Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) RAF079R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), High Sensitivity RD193439200CS BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 5660
MBP RAL-108 BioVendor 96 wells RMB 7346
MCP-1 RAF080R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7844
MCP-1, Sensitive RAF081R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8226
MICA-1 RGP026R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 7717
Midkine RD191042200R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 8840
Mini Training Kit RA19010R BioVendor 96 wells (1 kit) RMB 1908
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