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IBL-America (4745)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
ANXA8, 1-327aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0682 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ANXA8L2, 1-327aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1598 IBL-America 10 μg RMB 5708
AP1AR, 1-302aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2321 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5708
AP1S2, 1-157aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1086 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
AP3S1, 1-193aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1803 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
APEX1, 1-318aa, Human, T7 tag, E.coli IBATGP0881 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5708
APIP, 1-242aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1614 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
APMAP, 62-416aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2962 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
Apoa1, 25-264aa , Mouse, His tag, E.coli IBATGP3058 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
APOA5, 24-366aa, Human, His tag, E.coli, (Protein), 50 ug IBATGP2476 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
APOBEC4, 1-367aa, Human, His tag, E.coli , (Protein), 100 ug IBATGP2392 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
APOC1, 27-83aa, Human, His tag, E.coli , (Protein), 50 ug IBATGP2554 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
APOH, 20-345aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1832 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5708
APOH, 20-345aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus IBATGP3492 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5538
APOL4, 1-348aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2264 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5708
Apolipoprotein A-1, 25-267 aa, Human, His-tagged, Recombinant, E.coli IBATGP0363 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
APOM, 23-188aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0521 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
APP Anti-Human Antibody (clone J4H9) IBAAP0836 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
APP, 18-289aa , Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1499 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
Aprataxin, 1-168aa, Human, His tag, E. coli IBATGP0479 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
April ELISA IB49674 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 6846
APRT, 1-180aa, Human, E.coli IBATGP0483 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 4938
ARC, 1-396aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2016 IBL-America 10 μg RMB 5708
ARF1, 1-181aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0644 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ARF3, 1-181aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1215 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
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