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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
CD46 (Membrane Cofactor Protein MCP), mouse anti human, clone 13/42 T-1210 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 4198
CD48 (lymphocytes and monocytes), mouse anti human, clone MEM-102 T-1054 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 3411
CD49b (alpha 2 integrin, VLA 2), mouse anti human, clone A.1.43 T-1121 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4461
CD49e (fibronectin receptor, VLA-5), mouse anti human, clone X-6 T-1043 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4986
CD49e (fibronectin receptor, VLA-5), mouse anti human, clone X-6 Biotin T-1044 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 5510
CD5 (T cell antigen T1,Tp67), mouse anti human, clone CRIS-1 T-1367 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3149
CD54 (ICAM 1, LFA-1 receptor; activated endothelial and hemopoietic cells), mouse anti human, clone 1304 T-1113 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3936
CD54 (ICAM 1, LFA-1 receptor; activated endothelial and hemopoietic cells), mouse anti human, clone 1304 Biotin T-1114 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4461
CD56 (Natural Killer (NK) Cells), mouse anti human, clone MEM-188 T-1370 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3149
CD62e (E-selectin, ELAM-1, LECAM-2; activated endothelium), rat anti human, clone 4D10 FITC T-1112 Peninsula Lab. 500µg RMB 4986
CD68 (monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells), mouse anti rat, clone ED1 T-3003 Peninsula Lab. 250µg RMB 5773
CD69 (early T-cell activation antigen p60, Leu-23), mouse anti human, clone FN50 T-1357 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3149
CD69 (early T-cell activation antigen p60, Leu-23), mouse anti human, clone FN50 Biotin T-1376 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3411
CD7 (T cells, early differentiation), mouse anti human, clone 142.9 T-1365 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3149
CD71 (transferrin receptor), mouse anti human, clone SOM4D10 T-1372 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 3149
CD71 (transferrin receptor), mouse anti human, clone VIP-1 T-1205 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4986
CD71 (transferrin receptor), mouse anti rat, clone OX-26 T-3101 Peninsula Lab. 250µg RMB 3149
CD71 (transferrin receptor), rat anti mouse, clone ER-MP21 T-2101 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4461
CD71 (transferrin receptor), rat anti mouse, clone ER-MP21 Biotin T-2114 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 4986
CD8, mouse anti rat, clone Rib 6/1 T-3110 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 3411
CD8a (thymocytes), mouse anti rat, clone OX-8 T-3131 Peninsula Lab. 500µg RMB 4461
CD9, mouse anti human, clone K41 T-1207 Peninsula Lab. 200µg RMB 5248
CD90 (Thy 1.1), mouse anti rat, clone OX-7 T-3130 Peninsula Lab. 500µg RMB 4461
CDw93 (sialoglycoprotein, macrophages), mouse anti human, clone X-2 T-1036 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 4986
CDw93 (sialoglycoprotein, macrophages), mouse anti human, clone X-2 Biotin T-1037 Peninsula Lab. 100µg RMB 5510
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