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Capricobio (891)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
CD19 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 102964 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1344
CD19 Unconjugated 102903 Capricobio 500 µg RMB 2572
CD19 Unconjugated 102901 Capricobio 100 µg RMB 633
CD2 APC 100246 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4510
CD2 APC 100245 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2959
CD2 APC 100244 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1279
CD2 Biotin 100251 Capricobio 100 µg RMB 2042
CD2 FITC 100216 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 3489
CD2 FITC 100215 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2055
CD2 FITC 100214 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 892
CD2 mFluor™ 450 1002146 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4652
CD2 mFluor™ 450 1002145 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2714
CD2 mFluor™ 450 1002144 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1266
CD2 PE 100226 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4122
CD2 PE 100225 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2572
CD2 PE 100224 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1150
CD2 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100266 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 5415
CD2 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100265 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 3089
CD2 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100264 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1150
CD2 Unconjugated 100203 Capricobio 500 µg RMB 4135
CD2 Unconjugated 100201 Capricobio 100 µg RMB 1021
CD20 APC 103746 Capricobio 200 Tests RMB 4639
CD20 APC 103745 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 2442
CD20 APC 103744 Capricobio 25 Tests RMB 1150
CD20 APC-Cyanine7 6039095 Capricobio 100 Tests RMB 6055
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