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Demeditec (584)
You view the brand“Demeditec”UnderThere are no matches to your search request have 584 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Folic Acid DEFOLE01 Demeditec 96 RMB 5900
FPV (Feline Panleucopenia Virus) Ab DE2467 Demeditec 96 RMB 8980
FSH DE31100 Demeditec 100 RMB 1728
FSH DE1288 Demeditec 96 RMB 1580
Fumonisin DEFUME03 Demeditec 96 RMB 5040
GABA DEE2500 Demeditec 96 RMB 10240
Galectin-3  JP27755 Demeditec 96 RMB 8980
GBM Ab DE7130 Demeditec 96 RMB 2860
G-CSF human JP27131 Demeditec 96 RMB 8980
Giardia lamblia DE610001 Demeditec 96 RMB 3180
GIP Active form human JP27201 Demeditec 96 RMB 10620
GIP active form mouse JP27764 Demeditec 96 RMB 12744
GIP active form rat JP27202 Demeditec 96 RMB 12744
GIP total JP27205 Demeditec 96 RMB 11496
GIP total JP27204 Demeditec 96 RMB 11496
GIP Total human JP27203 Demeditec 96 RMB 10620
Gliadin IgA DEGLI02 Demeditec 96 RMB 1480
Gliadin IgG DEGLI01 Demeditec 96 RMB 1480
Gliadin IgM DEGLI03 Demeditec 96 RMB 1480
Gliadin/Gluten DEGLUE02 Demeditec 96 RMB 5900
GLP-1 inactive form JP27788 Demeditec 96 RMB 10620
GLP-1, active form JP27784 Demeditec 96 RMB 8980
Glutamate  DEE2400 Demeditec 96 RMB 10240
GRO a/MGSA  JP27139 Demeditec 96 RMB 8980
GRO/CINC-2alpha rat JP17170 Demeditec 96 RMB 8980
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