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Proteintech (389)
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Human uPAR/PLAUR ELISA Kit(人尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体 ) KE00206 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human Uteroglobin ELISA Kit(人子宫珠蛋白 ) KE00099 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human VCAM-1/CD106 ELISA Kit(人血管细胞粘附分子-1 ) KE00163 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human VEGF-C ELISA Kit(人血管内皮生长因子C ) KE00252 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human VEGF-D ELISA Kit(人血管内皮细胞生长因子D ) KE00247 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human VEGFR-1 ELISA Kit(人血管内皮生长因子受体1 ) KE00113 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human VISTA/C10orf54 ELISA Kit(人T细胞活化的V结构域Ig抑制因子 ) KE00282 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human Vitamin D BP ELISA Kit(人维生素D结合蛋白 ) KE00272 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human WISP-1/CCN4 ELISA Kit(人Wnt1诱导信号通路蛋白1 ) KE00236 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human/Mouse SMN ELISA Kit(人 / 小鼠 运动神经元存活蛋白 ) KE00027 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human/Mouse/Rat GDF-8 ELISA Kit(生长分化因子8 ) KE00120 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human/Mouse/Rat PIP5K1A ELISA Kit(磷脂酰肌醇-4-磷酸5-激酶 ) KE00227 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human/Mouse/Rat SNAP25 ELISA Kit(25kDa突触关联蛋白 ) KE00031 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Human/Rat BDNF ELISA Kit(人/大鼠脑源性神经营养因子 ) KE00096 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse Adiponectin ELISA Kit(小鼠脂联素 ) KE10044 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse AFP ELISA Kit(小鼠甲胎蛋白 ) KE10092 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse BAFF ELISA Kit(小鼠肿瘤坏死因子配体超家族成员13b ) KE10026 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse CCL11/Eotaxin ELISA Kit(小鼠趋化蛋白CCL11 ) KE10043 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse CCL12/MCP-5 ELISA Kit(小鼠趋化因子CCL12 ) KE10051 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse CCL17/TARC ELISA Kit(小鼠趋化因子CCL17 ) KE10096 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse CCL22 ELISA Kit(小鼠趋化因子CCL22 ) KE10053 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse CCL3 ELISA Kit(小鼠趋化因子CCL3 ) KE10023 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse CCL4 ELISA Kit(小鼠C-C趋化因子4 ) KE10030 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse CCL5 ELISA Kit(小鼠趋化因子CCL5 ) KE10017 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
Mouse Chemerin ELISA Kit(小鼠脂肪因子Chemerin ) KE10074 Proteintech 96T RMB 2210
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