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IBL-America (4745)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
ANG ELISA BE69002 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 5154
ANG, 25-147aa Human, His tag, E.coli, (Protein), 100 ug IBATGP2604 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
Angiopoietin-1 receptor, 23-746aa, Mouse, His tag, Insect cell IBATGP3190 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5708
Angiopoietin-related protein 7, 22-337aa, Mouse, His tag, Insect cell IBATGP3196 IBL-America 10 μg RMB 5708
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, 18-740aa, Mouse, His tag, Insect cell IBATGP3288 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, 18-740aa, Rat, His tag, Insect cell IBATGP3265 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 5708
ANGPT1, 20-498 aa, Human, E.coli IBATGP1236 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ANGPTL2, 22-493aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2976 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
ANGPTL3, 17-460aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus IBATGP3406 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7385
ANGPTL3, 243-460aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP3149 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
ANGPTL6 ELISA IB99500 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 6846
ANKRA2, 1-313aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2787 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5708
ANKRD1, 1-319aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1718 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5708
ANKRD54, 1-300aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP2122 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 5708
Annexin A1, 1-346aa, Human, Recombinant, E.coli IBATGP0291 IBL-America 20 μg RMB 7600
Annexin A2, 1-339aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0467 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 4938
Annexin A3, 1-323aa, Human, E.coli IBATGP0453 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 4938
Annexin A4, 1-321aa, Human, E.coli IBATGP0463 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 11415
Annexin A5, 1-320aa, Human, E.coli IBATGP0406 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 4938
Annexin A6, 1-673aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0459 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
Annexin V ELISA IB49646 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 6738
ANP32A, 1-249aa, Human, His tag, E.coli IBATGP0712 IBL-America 50 μg RMB 7600
ansA, 1-338aa, E.coli, His tag, E.coli IBATGP1077 IBL-America 100 μg RMB 5708
Anti- Alpha, Beta-Synuclein Antibody(clone 3B6) IBASC0632 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
Anti- Alpha-Synuclein (61-95 aa) Antibody (clone 5C2) IBANC0603 IBL-America 100 μL RMB 5708
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